Discipline and Success with the Martial Arts
Posted: January 27, 2023
“Rule your mind or it will rule you. ” – Horace.
“A disciplined mind leads to happiness, and an undisciplined mind leads to suffering.” – Dalai Lama.
Martial arts is known for its discipline. After all, it is a martial art which would require discipline but it also IS a discipline as well.
...to train or develop by instruction and exercise, especially in self-control.
Most people think of discipline in the negative. Punishment. But it is one of the most important parts of success. It is very hard to have success without discipline.
In martial arts, every class has its protocols. How to line up. How to bow. How to address the instructor. Then how to move, how to stand, and even how to listen. The better the protocol, the better the discipline. A younger class will have fewer requirements than an older class. And it will be less disciplined. That is to be expected.
A martial arts class without discipline is missing a critical element in learning and achieving.
Discipline brings order and order helps you achieve and measure the results.
If you are looking for discipline, focus, and more self-control, then a well-run martial arts program just might be the thing for you.
Warning, not all martial arts schools teach or focus on discipline. You have to shop around. If you are interested in more discipline, and you happen to live in Bellevue or Federl Way Washington, then we invite you to try a few classes out and see first-hand if our school can help you achieve your goals.
Just go here - Martial Arts in Bellevue or Martial Arts in Federal Way and register online for a free week of structured martial arts.